Little Women, Big Motorcycle

I am often asked how I ride a bagger being such a small person. At 5'2" and 120lbs I am the smallest of my friend group and ride one of the largest bikes...

Here`s the scoop...

You can make ANY motorcycle fit you with some adjustments. Bars and and a different seat go a long ways! Try out different things and see what you like and you will be comfortable in no time!

Every single thing on my bike has been changed or custom due to my preferences and size. Most of my changes are cosmetic because I had a vision for my bike and made it happen but I can honestly say I have my dream motorcycle now and I will be keeping it forever.


Here is what I run on my bike and what has helped me...

I run a Slyfox Sandlemen seat due to the fact that it is very narrow. My legs don't extend outwards like most seats cause them to do, instead they go straight down. I highly recommend this seat or ones similar to any females needing a seat change. (Not recommended for men due to nuts).

As far as bars go, I recommend having bars that are not very wide. I originally purchased apes but when I received them, they were way too wide causing me to reach way out and sit awkwardly so I decided to go with some T bars and I`m so happy that I did that! My bar set up is a Kraus pullback plate. Builtwell 10" risers with pullback, and Bung King high bend bars. I love absolutely everything about them.

My bike is also lowered two inches in the front and an inch in the back. This makes me scrape a little sooner than most when cornering but once you get use to it, its not a very big deal.


If you are thinking about getting a bigger bike but are scared and not sure on the size, my best advice would be to go for it. Get whatever bike your heart desires and modify it to fit you best!

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